(+995 32) 2-500-100
Smart Campaign
Microfinance organization Georgian Credit    endorsed  The Smart Campaign Client Protection Principles  at the beginning of 2015 and implemented the principles within our daily operations. This signifies our commitment to the principles and to promote client protection and raise industry standards of best practice.

Smart Microfinance is being fully transparent in the pricing, terms, and conditions of all financial products. Smart Microfinance is working with clients so they do not borrow more money than they can repay or use products that they do not need. Smart Microfinance employs respectful collection practices and adopts high ethical standards in the treatment of clients. The Smart Campaign is a global effort to unite microfinance leaders around a common goal: to keep clients as the driving force of the industry. Protecting clients is not only the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do. 

• Appropriate product design and delivery 
Providers will take adequate care to design products and delivery channels in such a way that they do not cause clients harm. Products and delivery channels will be designed with client characteristics taken into account. 

• Prevention of over-indebtedness 
Providers will take adequate care in all phases of their credit process to determine that clients have the capacity to repay without becoming over-indebted. In addition, providers will implement and monitor internal systems that support prevention of over-indebtedness and will foster efforts to improve market level credit risk management (such as credit information sharing). 

Providers will communicate clear, sufficient and timely information in a manner and language clients can understand so that clients can make informed decisions. The need for transparent information on pricing, terms and conditions of products is highlighted. Responsible pricing, terms and conditions will be set in a way that is affordable to clients while allowing for financial institutions to be sustainable. Providers will strive to provide positive real returns on deposits. 

• Fair and respectful treatment of clients
Financial service providers and their agents will treat their clients fairly and respectfully. They will not discriminate. Providers will ensure adequate safeguards to detect and correct corruption as well as aggressive or abusive treatment by their staff and agents, particularly during the loan sales and debt collection processes. 

• Privacy of client data 
The privacy of individual client data will be respected in accordance with the laws and regulations of individual jurisdictions. Such data will only be used for the purposes specified at the time the information is collected or as permitted by law, unless otherwise agreed with the client. 

• Mechanisms for complaint resolution 
Providers will have in place timely and responsive mechanisms for complaints and problem resolution for their clients and will use these mechanisms both to resolve individual problems and to improve their products and services.  

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